The Lyme Foundation grants help a variety of worthy causes in Lyme and for Lyme residents.
The list of grants below is organized by the fiscal year in which they were awarded:
CCL Tent Floor, $800
Lyme Utility Club-Festival of Trees, $1,000
Lyme School- Artist in Residence, $4,000
Upper Valley Trails- Bridge, $5,153
Northern Woodlands Pollinator Garden, $5,000
Lyme School Two Way Radio, $6,085
Nursery School Fence, $5,000
Post Pond Survey, $1500
Parish Nurse Storage Unit, $1,866
Lyme Boosters Pitchers Mound, $1,752
Friends of Post Pond, $300
Lyme Biodiversity Working Group (2nd year of 3 year grant), $1,500
TOTAL AWARDED FY 2024: $32,456
FY 2023
Lyme Biodiversity Working Group, $1,500
Upper Valley Trails Alliance, Neal loop, $56,616
Upper Valley Trails Alliance, Chaffee Wildlife Sanctuary Trail, $7,000
Lyme Common Furniture, $4,188
Lyme Pickleball Club, outdoor equipment, $2,000
Lyme Historians, $250
Lyme Utility Club, Festival of Trees, $700
Lyme Fire Department/EMS, UTV trailer, $24,394
Leadership Upper Valley, $1,320
Lyme Fiber, Internet for households, $4,881
COVID Emergency Relief to families and businesses, $5,000
Griffith Scholarship Awards, $16,500
Pearl Dimick grants, $27,830
TOTAL AWARDED FY 2023: $153, 179
FY 2022
Friends of Reservoir Pond, dam repair, $20,000
Upper Valley Trails Alliance, Town Forest foot bridge, $5,000
Lyme School and Lyme Nursery School, play structures, $2,000
Lyme School, student gardening project, $1,000
Lyme Pickleball Club, equipment, $600
Lyme Recreation Committee, ice rink equipment, $1,198
Lyme Utility Club, Festival of Trees, $750
Lyme School, AV equipment for school board meetings, $1,000
Leadership Upper Valley, $1,320
Upper Valley Haven, $1,000
Lyme Parish Nurses, $10,000
COVID Emergency Relief to families and businesses, $12,000
Griffith Scholarship Awards, $14,600
Pearl Dimick grants, $22,440
TOTAL AWARDED FY 2022: $92,908
FY 2021
Leadership Upper Valley, $1,200
Lyme FAST Squad, $20,000
Lyme Water Association, $12,000
Lyme Fiber, $15,000
Lymeness (see details below), $980
Lyme Artist in Residence, $2,000
Lyme Biodiversity, $1,834
Those Guys Tent Insurance, $1,100
TOTAL AWARDED FY 2021: $54,114
FY 2020
Lyme Utility Club- Festival of Trees, $700
Lyme Water Association, $3,000
Town of Lyme Skating Rink, $4,800
Lyme Fire Department, $120,000
Lyme Historians, $2,500
Upper Valley Trails Alliance, $4,895
Lyme Biodiversity, $1,834
TOTAL AWARDED FY 2020: $137,729
FY 2019
Lyme Congregational Church, Clock, $1,150
Lyme Congregational Church, VegiCare/SouperCare, $2,375
Youth Sponsorship of the Tree Festival, $550
Skating on the Common, $4,800
Biodiversity Grant, Big Rock Nature Preserve, $2,284
Lyme Recreation Committee, Batting cage, $1,549
Lyme Congregational Church Swan Grant, Steeple Carillon, $26,500
Converse Free Library Swan Grant, Infrastructure Projects, $45,000
Kilham Bear Center Swan Grant, Cub Rehabilitation and Education Building, $10,000
Lyme Recreation Committee Swan Grant, Post Pond Improvements, $45,000
Community Care of Lyme Swan Grant, Service Expansion and Development Support, $28,000
TOTAL AWARDED FY 2019: $167,208
FY 2018
Lyme School, KinderForest Program, $5,000
Lyme School, Governor Box replacement to support emergency shelter use for Town of Lyme, $2,661
The Utility Club of Lyme, “Festival of Trees” General Support, $1,700
New Hampshire Academy of Science, Middle School Project-Based Science Program, $2,100
Weatherize Lyme (CCL), Home Energy Audits and Weatherization, $5,000
American Legion Post 80, Driveway repairs $1,800
Upper Valley Trails Alliance, Trail repairs at Big Rock Nature Area and Chaffee Wildlife Sanctuary, $4,000
Lyme Early Education Foundation, Scholarship School Year 2018 for after-K program, $1,100
Converse Free Library, Reconfiguration of the Young Readers Section, $5,000
Lyme School, Counselor position, $30,000
Lyme Congregational Church-Parish Nursing program, Discretionary Emergency Services Fund, $4000
Upper Valley Land Trust, Lyme Hill Pollinator Garden, $1,900
TOTAL AWARDED FY 2018: $64,261
FY 2017
Welcoming All Nationalities Network (WANN) of UV: Pilot program linking Lyme, Jordanian and Syrian school children - $3,000
Lyme Nursery School: playground equipment - $3,000
Upper Valley Land Trust: Pinnacle View project - $2,500
Lyme School: 4-Winds science program - $1,400
FAST Squad: Waterbury memorial gift, Special Code Unit - $1,970
Crossroads Academy: Replacement bridge on Hoopes Trail - $2,500
Town of Lyme/Energy Committee: Energy Saving Lighting Improvements - $7,000
Town of Lyme/Energy Committee: Solar Project - $5,000
Lyme School: Scoreboard for the gym- $2,314
TOTAL AWARDED FY 2017: $28,684
FY 2016
Town of Lyme: Development of new website - $1,500
Lyme Girl Scouts: Troop activities - $1,000
Lyme Nursery School: Matching grant for new generator - $2,000
Lyme Historians: Matching grant for improvements to new Historians house - $10,000 per year for two years
Town of Lyme: "Ready, Set, Go!" bags for winter emergency travel supplies - $400
Lyme Congregational Church: Expansion of the Parish Nurse program - $5,000
The Upper Valley Haven: 19 Days of Lyme/1% for the Haven - $350
Converse Free Library: improve and replace wheelchair lift - $5,000
Those Guys: new tent purchase - $3,000
Committee for Fiber Optics in Lyme (CFOIL): informational campaign - $2,000
Town of Lyme: Crabtree for the Town Office garden - $350
TOTAL AWARDED FY 2016: $30,600
FY 2015
Town of Lyme: Two Radar speed monitoring signs - $5,000
Lyme Congregational Church: Horseshed roof - $2,500
Converse Free Library: Renovations - $4,000
Converse Free Library: Brilliant Babies program - $300
Brownie Troop: Badges, educational, and service supplies - $200
Town of Lyme: Art on the Common - $1,500
Opera North: Education and Outreach - $500
Upper Valley Land Trust: Clay Brook Frontage - $2,500
Town of Lyme: Adult Swim Dock - $3,000
Welcoming All Nationalities Network (WANN) of Upper Valley: Lyme Educational program - $750
Upper Valley Trails Alliance: Construction of Bird Blind - $1,500
Good Neighbor/Red Logan clinics: Support services - $1,000
Converse Free Library: Mighty Mike - Stamp out the Stigma program - $1,200
Town of Lyme: Independence Day celebration - $3,500
Lyme School: Farm to School program - $3,600
TOTAL AWARDED FY 2015: $31,050
FY 2014
Lyme Congregational Church: Conference on Aging In Place - $1,522.60
Converse Free Library: New welcome packet organized by the library, the LCC, and the Town Clerk - $500
Upper Valley Land Trust: Environmental education workshops at Lyme Hill - $1,250
West Central Services: Paddle Power - $500
Lyme Congregational Church: New dishwasher - $5,000
Converse Free Library: renovation of the early literacy area - $3,000
Lyme School/Montshire Museum: Science program- $1,500
Lyme School PTO: Artist in residence - $1,000
Lyme Historians: Digital recorder, scanner, reproduction of images - $1,600
Town of Lyme: Ice rink on the Common- $2,400
Lyme Nursery School: Replacement and improvements of play structure- $2,400
Lyme School: School kitchen renovations- $50,000
Lyme School: Matching grant for improvement/creation of another community asset- $50,000
Upper Valley Haven: Warming shelter - $1,500
Upper Valley Land Trust: materials for Lyme Hill accessibility project - $1,385
Community Care of Lyme: Start-up grant - $40,000
TOTAL FUNDED FY 2014: $163,557.60
FY 2013
Lyme Congregational Church: safety improvements on spiral staircases during Bicentennial renovation- $5,000
Lyme Congregational Church: Newsletter portal project - $6,000 (funding returned)
Lyme FAST Squad: New defibrillator - $15,000
Community Fiber Optics: study and report - $5,350
Lyme School: Inquiry-based science learning (over three years) - $1,500
TOTAL AWARDED FY 2013: $32,850
FY 2012
Lyme School: Cold Storage - $3,000
Lyme Heritage Commission: Inventory of Lyme Historic Buildings - $4,000
Lyme Congregational Church: Parish Nurse Program - $10,000
FAST Squad: Safety equipment - $3,560
American Legion Post 80: New roof - $3,000
Pearl Dimick Fund: Support- $3,500
TOTAL AWARDED FY 2012: $27,060
FY 2011
Lyme School: Farm to School Project - $500
Lyme School: Principal's Fund for direct financial assistance to children- $5,000
Lyme FAST Squad: Communication Equipment - $3,600
Town of Lyme: Lyme 250 Birthday Celebration - $10,000
LIFE Fund- $5,000
Lyme Congregational Church: Handicap entrance renovation - $5,000
Lyme Police: Electronic traffic speed sign - $3,150
Boy Scouts: Start up costs- $200
TOTAL AWARDED FY 2011: $32,440
FY 2010
Lyme School: Eric Weihenmayer Presentation - $500
Second Wind Foundation: Suicide Prevention program - $1000
West Central Services: Paddle Power - $1000
Lyme Recreation Committee: Beach work- $934
Lyme Congregational Church: Elevator- $7,500 Pledge
TOTAL AWARDED FY 2010: $10,934
FY 2009
Town of Lyme: Defibrillators for Chase Beach & Library- $1,700
West Central Services: Paddle Power(2009)- $2,000
Lyme Historians: Walking guide for 250th Town anniversary- $1,200
Lyme Congregational Church: Parish nurse program- $3,000
West Central Services: Paddle Power(2008)- $1,000
Lyme Recreation: Bridge repair on trails - $934
Lyme Town Offices: backup generator- $7,400
TOTAL AWARDED FY 2009: $17,234
FY 2008
West Central Services: Paddle Power- $1,000
Lyme Firefighters FAST squad: Defibrillator- $5,000
Lyme Congregational Church: Elevator- $7,500
Town of Lyme: Chase Beach Court resurfacing- $4,000
Berway Farm Project: Conservation- $300,000
Recreation Committee: Baseball field repair- $3,000
Lyme School: Interactive white board- $3,500
Pearl Dimick Fund: Support for granting- $9,296
Lyme Congregational Church: Parish nurse program - $4,000
TOTAL AWARDED FY 2008: $337,296
FY 2007
West Central Behavioral Health: Paddle Power- $1,000
Habitat for Humanity: Lyme House- $10,000
Lyme Congregational Church: Parish nurse program- $5,000
Lyme Firefighters Association: Emergency shelter; Pandemic preparedness equipment; Communications tower installation- $14,000
Lyme Nursery School: Shade project- $1,300
TOTAL AWARDED FY 2007: $31,300
FY 2006
Lyme Nursery School: Building assistance- $5,000
Upper Valley Substance Abuse: Willow Grove project- $1,500
AVA Gallery: Elevator- $1,100
Lyme Drama Club: Lights and sound system- $5,500
Parish Nurse Program: Start-up assistance- $5,000
Town of Lyme: Loan for new town offices exploration- $3,000 loaned and repaid
Lyme Historians: Nichols remembrance event- $150
TOTAL AWARDED FY 2006: $18,250
FY 2005
Friends of Lyme Library: Oral history CD- $2,500
Lyme BEAT: Printing costs- $750
Town of Lyme / garage heating project- $12,000
Lyme Nursery School: Scholarship support- $3,000
First Baptist Church of Lyme: Repairs- $10,000
Lyme Congregational Church: Repairs- $6,000
WISE: Youth outreach program- $1,000
Upper Valley Trails Alliance: Training & trail maintenance- $1,800
TOTAL AWARDED 2004-05(18 months): $37,050
FY 2003
Lyme Fire Department: Fire hydrant project- $5,000
Lyme School: Town generator project- $5,000
Lyme School: School fund transferred to the school
Upper Valley Substance Abuse Foundation: Lyme patients- $2,000
Lyme Historians: Computer equipment- $3,000
WISE: Teaching of domestic abuse issues in Lyme School- $1,000
Northern Stage: Theater experiences for Lyme students- $2,500
Lyme Library Grant Repayment- $2,500 returned
Upper Valley Land Trust: Natural resource inventory- $500
Upper Valley Land Trust Historic Barns Tour- $600
TOTAL AWARDED 2003: $17,100
FY 2002
Lyme Historians: Academy Building renovations- $6,000
Lyme Firefighters Association: Breathing apparatus- $8,500
Lyme Police Department: Computer equipment- $1,006
Upper Valley Land Trust: first-cutting & trail projects- $2,500
WISE: Youth Outreach Program- $1,000
West Central Services: general support- $3,500
Lyme School: Daubenspeck bequest / stage curtains- $5,000
TOTAL AWARDED 2002: $27,506
FY 2001
Lyme FAST Squad: Defibrillation machine- $9,769
Lyme Historians: Academy Building renovations- $12,000
Lyme Conservation Commission: Wildlife program- $425
Town of Lyme: Web Site Development- $1,000
COVER: Volunteer group helping residents with home repair- $500
WISE: Health relationships & domestic abuse issues- $1,000
Upper Valley Substance Abuse Foundation: General support- $2,000
New Hampshire Audubon: Wellborn Project- $800
TOTAL AWARDED 2001: $27,494
FY 2000
Lyme Historians: Academy Building renovations- $10,000
Lyme Historians: Academy Building renovation elevator(included in $10,000 above)
Lyme Pinnacle Snowmobile Club: Sled dog competition- $500
Friends of Lyme Library: Oral-history project loan- $5,000
Vital Communities: Lyme Quest history project- $1,612
TOTAL AWARDED 2000: $17,112
FY 1999
Friends of Lyme Library: Oral-history project
Thetford Academy: Math program
Lyme Historians: Academy Building renovation
Lyme Fire Department: Fire truck refit
Lyme Gazette: Loan for Lyme phone book
Upper Valley Land Trust: First cutting
Lyme FAST Squad: equipment
Upper Valley Substance Abuse Foundation: Refurbish drop-in center
Lyme Baptist Church: Vestry foundation repair
TOTAL AWARDED 1999: $35,540
FY 1998
Lyme Historians: Academy Building renovation- $10,000
Lyme Athletic Fund: Soccer goals- $1,500
Lyme Conservation Commission: Wetlands research- $600
TOTAL AWARDED 1998: $12,000
FY 1997
Upper Valley Land Trust: Conserve E. Thetford Rd Land
Lyme Baptist Church: Handicap access and fire safety
FY 1996
Upper Valley Land Trust: Grant Brook preserve
Lyme School: Part time technical coordinator
Lyme School: Public vision testing equipment
Lyme Congregational Church: Preservation of church building
FY 1995
Upper Valley Land Trust: First cutting
Lyme FAST Squad: Communications equipment
Riverfest '95: Connecticut River festival
Lyme Athletic Fund: Special donation
Lyme Historians: Yankee brass band concert
FY 1994
Lyme School: New building - special drive
Riverfest '95: Connecticut River Festival
Lyme Gazette: Opinion survey
Lyme School: Lyme Space matching grant
Lyme School: Facilities Committee Communications
FY 1993
Lyme School: Writing center
Lyme School: Lyme Space playground match
Town of Lyme Selectmen: Cemetery land purchase
Lyme School: Facilities Committee Communications
FY 1992
Lyme School: Porter Cemetary fence project
Friends of Trout Pond: Purchase land for town
Lyme Community Housing
FY 1991
Lyme Historians: Calendar of historic Lyme
Lyme Historians: Academy Building bell tower
Lyme School: Telescope for community
FY 1990
Lyme Housing Trust (loan)
Town of Lyme: Chase Beach basketball and tennis courts match
Lyme School Study: Special newsletter
Lyme Congregational Church: Kitchen and restroom
First Baptist Church of Lyme: Kitchen and restroom
FY 1989
Lyme Recycling: Start-up costs
Town of Lyme Chase Beach: Basketball and Tennis courts construction